ANDvisory boardsâ„
Our Work | Case Study
Healthcare Delivery Product Prioritization
the freedom to listen and building
confidence in path forward
Client Goal: Engage customers in discussion to inform product roadmap and ensure investments in product development were prioritized.
Client Guardrails: Investment in meeting must unearth new insights and ideas for how Matrix can grow their position in the marketplace.
AND Work: Supported VP of Marketing in design and execution of 2-day Customer Advisory Meeting of diverse sub-set of customers, and attended by Matrix’s Senior Leadership Team. AND conducted pre-interviews of all customer participants, synthesized themes, developed moderation guide, facilitated meeting, synthesized output for report to customer participants.
Outcome: The combination of customer pre- interviews and meeting design created environment for customers to openly and constructively discuss their unmet needs, and freed Matrix personnel to listen. This aided Matrix in making well informed choices regarding future product investments.